Public Works includes the Water, Street, Light, and Sewer Departments.

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water treatment plant

Combined Sewer Overflow

The City of Metropolis is developing a long-term plan to reduce sewer overflows to the Ohio River, as required by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency and the Illinois Environmental Protection Agency.

Combined sewer overflows are a century-old problem in more than 700 U.S. communities, particularly in the Northeast and Midwest. Illinois has more than 100 communities with combined sewers, which combine sewage and stormwater into the same pipe.

During dry weather, sewage flows safely through the City’s sewers to the Metropolis sewer treatment plant (STP). However, about 50 times a year melting snow or rainwater can overwhelm the sewers, causing untreated sewage to overflow into the Ohio River.

Metropolis must examine its sewer overflows and prepare a long-term control plan that meets Clean Water Act requirements and protects the Ohio River. This City is working with Illinois EPA to develop the plan.

The City of Metropolis has installed signage at the CSO outfall location. The signs are weatherproof, and will identify the outfall number along with contact information and phone number.

If you would like to be notified via email whenever an overflow warning is in effect, contact the Mayor's office.


Cross Connection Survey

A list of the most frequently asked questions and answers related to surveys of water customers.

Drinking Water Quality Report

Intended to provide important information about your water & the efforts made by the water system to provide safe drinking water.

Lead Service Line Survey

Check your home for lead pipes, then complete our online survey to tell us what you find, no matter what type of pipes you find!

Contact Information:

Natalie Harris

Public Works Director

Dylan Glidden

Water Treatment Lead Operator